Scofo's World (Scott + MoFo = Scofo)

Sunday, November 27, 2005


After cleaning up the image a bit with photoshop the image reviels much more.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Scientific Experiments in Seaforth?

Here is a picture our webcam caught tonight. Make of it what you will.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Welcome to the snow belt.

Last night just about every highway between Goderich and London was closed. I arrived at home just in time to find out the highway I took home had just closed. This morning most opened but there are still barricades blocking the road. So it's a snow day for me as we are supposed to get an additional 20+ cm today.

I put a foot long ruler on our table which I now refer to as our snow gauge. Almost up to a foot on the ground. I am definitely putting a covering on the side of our car port as drifting snow still gets in. The crazy part is it will be +12 next week. There should be some happily paddlers next week enjoying a very early spring runoff.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Now I don't do acid....

but if I did I would visit this site all of the time.