Scofo's World (Scott + MoFo = Scofo)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Hanso Foundation

During last nights episode of Lost a Hanso Foundation commercial was mixed in with the regular commercials. As I mentioned in an earlier post there is a huge online side to Lost and it just stepped up a notch. Go to

For those of you that don't know the Hanso Foundation is the the company responsible for the hatch and pretty much everything else on the island.

This is one slick assed web site. Very well done.


  • That is a pretty cool website. It's funny, I saw the commercial during the show but didn't really think much of it.

    As far as that last episode, holy crap. That ending was crazy.


    I guess that's what the punisment is for real-life DUIs, you get shot in the show.

    I wonder if they're both going to be dead or not...Hurley didn't look really broken up in the previews and they can't just leave us hanging with Libby's story. My guess is that she somehow survives. They wrapped up Ana Lucia's backstory pretty nicely last week so I could see her being dead.

    As far as why Michael shot them, I figure he's either working for the others in return for Walt, or he's trying to frame Henry (which is why he shot himself at the end). Ana Lucia seemed the right target since she wasn't exactly hospitable to them when they met. My guess is that he only shot Libby because she startled him.

    And on a side note, what's with the killing off of all the cute women? First Shannon, now possibly Ana Lucia and Libby. Now it's up to Kate, Sun, and Claire to carry the sex appeal factor of the show.

    By Blogger James, at Fri May 05, 10:40:00 AM EST  

  • Was there a phone number listed on the commercial when it aired on TV?

    By Blogger Henly, at Sat May 06, 09:36:00 PM EST  

  • 1 877 426 7674 It's toll free too.
    Apparently this is part of "The Lost Experience" set up by ABC. More clues will be given on some kind of parallel story line.
    Yeah I can't see them killing off Libby, Hurley would go gonzo. Maybe the pillow slowed down the bullets enought to save her. :)

    By Blogger Scott McCarthy, at Sun May 07, 09:00:00 AM EST  

  • Cool, I've got the password from the Phone number and used it to 'login'.


    I'll be very sad if they kill off Libby, which is very likely since she's got another show lined up. She's a different kind of cute and was quickly becoming my fav. Ah well, back to Kate. :p

    By Blogger Henly, at Tue May 09, 02:09:00 PM EST  

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