Scofo's World (Scott + MoFo = Scofo)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Pictures from Scofo

Thought I would post some pictures..

Yes I am a nerdlinger. Check out my dual monitor setup for flight simulator. Great for practicing IFR. Hope to start flying a Cessna 150 out of Stratford soon.

We recently saw a bird in our back/side yard which we had not seen before. With a little reasearch on the web we found out it was a Northern Flicker. (Got this closeup shot by using the binoculars as a lens for the digital camera, very McGyver.)

Here we are at the butterfly conservatory in Kitchener.

A swan nest by the river in Stratford.

We got a chuckle out of this machine in Mount Forest which Sara thought for a second had a picture of poo with a top hat on it.

Sara in the water at Seth's cottage, always happy to be swimming.

Blowing bubbles at the beach.


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