Scofo's World (Scott + MoFo = Scofo)

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Just a couple quick thoughts.

1) Yes a plane landed with it's nose gear wheels sideways. But was it necessary to show the landing live while family members could have been watching? The gear is designed to take the beating but what if the plane came apart while children were flipping through the stations. (Yes I know, v-chip, parents should mind what their kids watch, bla bla bla, but I live in the real world and so should they.)

2) CNN has a great section on all coalition casualties with photos and bios, but I can't find information on the journalists, volunteers and way larger number of innocent Iraq citizens who have been killed, who did not sign up to be involved in a war. But there is lots of info on the weapons, heroes and political issues. Casualties are even broken down by countries, age, gender, but race?! Is the number of white vs. Hispanic soldiers killed more vital data than how many civilians killed in the country you have taken over is? Please correct me if I am wrong and I am missing something on the site, because I'd really like to be wrong on this one.

Friday, September 16, 2005

A pic of G.Bush writing a note to Condoleezza Rice at a U.N. meeting.