I've been into computers, programming, and the web for almost as long as I can remember, I've even had numerous web pages. But for some reason I've been avoiding the whole blog thing. My
girlfriend, now fiance has been telling me to start one for a long time now. I guess I always thought it would just be a web phase, but I'm amazed at how well the blog has done. It seems like everyone is getting one, and not only people are actually reading each others postings, but they are constantly checking on what the next posting will say, especially after there's been some fresh pot sturring.
So what could I offer to this world, this is the only part that scares me about posting a blog. It would be pretty easy to make this a boaring as hell place to visit. Maybe if I was more of a right or left wing nut job, or had some strange fettish, or I was that guy in the Windsor phone book named Ronald Macdonald. I guess the best I can do is be myself. Wow this blog thing is allready teaching me lessons I can use for the rest of my life. This is truly amazing. Perhaps I should cut this first posting now while I am ahead.