Scofo's World (Scott + MoFo = Scofo)

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Fire Extinguishers and HUD's

While shopping for a new, well new to me car, I am reminded of the fact that a newer car is not only a more reliable car (hopefully), but a safer car as well. Chances are my next car will have things that I did not have before, like air bags, A.B.S., etc.. But there has always been a couple of things I felt should be standard for every car, maybe even by law. I probably would not think this way were it not for my time in flight school in college, where we would spend a lot of time covering what can go wrong, how a problem came to be, and what could have been done to prevent it. It's amazing how often a little and cheap a solution can save lives.
First off a fire extinguisher, within the drivers reach like underneath the seat. Now I don't think this should be here so you can try to put an empty car engulfed in flames out, but its not hard to think of situations where you would be glad it was there for you and others. (Also works well for breaking through glass.)
Second a heads up display showing you're speed. I know some cars already have these, and it's just a very cheap led display that reflects off the windshield, which may actually be cheaper to manufacture than a traditional analog display! Accidents can happen very quickly, the more time you spend looking outside of the vehicle the better. I will be looking for an aftermarket one for my next car for sure. A HUD would not have saved me from hitting that deer but if I had looked down at my dash for a split second at the right time I would have had no time to slam the brakes instead of the fraction of a second I did get which bled off atleast a good 25 km/h.


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